Saturday, December 18, 2010

One of These Days....

Watching House apparently reminds me that I haven't written in this blog, once again, in FOREVER. You know, that whole getting back into a routine thing. And of course, having a horse, in training no less, makes the schedule that much more hectic and hard to pin down. Not that I'm complaining, I truly enjoy the busy-ness. Interesting I did not before but, hey, when you don't really like your place in life, busy-ness is just a burden.

Any who, Bubby is coming along nicely :-) I was pleasantly surprised to come home to a very forward, very willing dressage pony :-D He was ridden a few times while I was gone but as I explained to a friend, I am on his case from the time I get on. Understandably, when it is not your horse, you tend tread lightly with them. I thought for sure he would "forget" what it is like when mom's home. Lucky me I have the best horse on the planet ;D Not only was he forward beginning in his warm up but he was using his hind end beautifully and bending like a pro. Maybe part of it was that I hadn't ridden in a month but I swear he has never pushed that much from behind. Ever. Since being back, he's only gotten pissy with me once in the saddle. One bad ride in the last month??? Fine by me.

I also switched his joint supplement. So far, so good! And it's been bitter some days here and NO stiffness. Success! Its the same senior supplement that my old guy has been on for the last year and a half. I did have my doubts at first. A friend of mine tried it on her 20yo TB and it had little effect. I really wasn't looking forward to the search for the magical joint supplement. Nor the expense. Luckily (there seems to be a theme here) it's worked the wonders for him like it has for Darryl. AND, it has pro/pre biotics that I had been getting separately in its own supplement. And, hey, free radicals for the immune system too? Sure!

Speaking of Darryl, I had a revelation the other week. I'm starting Bubby over fences and cantering for the Spring eventing season. I haven't jumped in a couple years and obviously, we aren't cantering right now. Hmmm.....and I have a certain school master that's back in shape thanks to an awesome dedicated teen......I could use this to my advantage! So, Monday, for the first time in ages, I rode the Ol' Man.....and more importantly, cantered AND jumped him. Oh boy, where did my two point go? lol. thankfully, I have really awesome friends/cheering section that have been willing to help me get back into this whole jumping thing. Maybe another blog another day on my jumping (lack of) confidence.....we're getting there...

So to end on a great note, I have missed both my boys terribly. I haven't been able to stop smiling when I'm riding them. Riding the best horses in the world is good for the soul I think :-)

Does he look 30 to you??? ;-D

Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Oh boy, where to start. First, I have had no motivation nor TIME to sit and write anything. To say I've been busy is, well, an understatement to say the least. Oy. Haha. Not that I haven't wanted to share my thoughts. Really, who doesn't??? But today is an impromptu day off (so far) and its driving me nuts. The girl that could sit around for hours with nothing to do seems to have disappeared in the last month. On to that subject...

I will say it now and I will say it in 10 years: Dental school was the best decision I have ever made. Period. Was it chaotic? Yes. Was it a hell of a lot of fun? YES. I'll give you basic run down. The first week and a half, you spend in a classroom going over anatomy and physiology of the horse, specifically the head and teeth (duh). Along with the different weird stuff that can happen when teeth are not cared for properly, HOW to care for them properly, the differences in the breeds in relation to the teeth, sedation, tools, etc... Then, you go to the barn. Dun, dun, duunnnn. We started out at rescues where basically nothing has anything really normal going on in their mouths. Power tools (think human dental drills times 10), pulling teeth, sedation, and more sedation. Truly, no better learning environment. And your instructors/drill sergeants make the the experience even more fun ;)

So you spend two full weeks in barns doing everything from regular floats (once in a blue moon in school), pulling teeth, removing caps, incisor work, molar cutting, I could go on. And by the end of two weeks, you are sore, running on fumes.....and floating teeth all by yourself and looking for more :)
And I could go on about the van rides to and from appointments. The inside jokes. The lunch and dinner outings. It was just too much fun. You get used to being busy and working and tired and whatever. But you never hear complaining. Because we were all there with the same goal in mind. And we are all having the time of our lives, for that short period of time.
So now, I get to call equine dentist. And that just hasn't sunk in yet. Nor the fact that I CAN put EqDT after my name. Holy cow! I have a purpose in life!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh Dear...

Alright....its been a while....*sigh* Well, I KINDA have an excuse (as I type without my right index finger, explanation to come). So, I think I left off with the boys getting ready for Oktoberfest.....a month and a half ago. Yikes! Good news, both shows went well :D Bubby was absolutely FANTASTIC for the dressage show that Saturday. As usual our first test was kind of a bust. Not as bad as it has been but still... Now, his Intro B ~ SPECTACULAR! He came in and went out looking like a true dressage horse :D I *heart* my boy. Then Sunday, both went and did the Greenhorn division at Olde Hope Farm. Darryl took 2nd. Not too shabby for an ancient ;) And Bubby and Kylie took 8th. BUT, the child wanted a brown ribbon and that is precisely what she got :D I could not have been happier.
Now for the bad news. So, while thinking about writing the blog on the show, when I FINALLY had time to even think about it, I received a sucker punch to the gut. My Drill mount from college had to be put down after a bad bout with colic. And as much as I have wanted to write about him, I haven't been able to bring myself to do so. One day, I will dedicate a post to him. But right now, I can't even look at an Arab without thinking about him and wanting to cry. And just never thought of Wilson and Drill team and Ann without him. Colic just doesn't seem like the way he should have gone. Always the good ones I guess.... For another day...
So what am I up to now, you all ask (HAHAHA)? I am 3 weeks thru a 4 week equine dental technician school. WooHoo. Here's the explanation on the index finger, lol. It has been quite interesting to say the least. Again, I will eventually get around to blogging about the adventures of dental school. Quite entertaining to say the least. Til then, you'll have to wait. Just did 2 horses "on my own" today :) So, I'm wimping out for the night.......Don't tell anyone though.... ;)

Til next time!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Truly Mild Chaos

Busy busy busy. The definition of life right now, haha. Where to begin....well, our first show in months(!) is this weekend. I truly have the showing bug. I used to get pretty nervous before shows, and I'm sure there will be some of that this weekend but I have a need to show now. I've thought about it, and training other peoples horses at one time seemed like it would be a lot of fun. Now, well, I get a lot of joy out of my own horses. Not so much out of anyone elses, haha. I don't know. I ride them all the same. I just feel like there's more of a responsibility when it comes to my own. Oh, and Ive turned into somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my horse.....Dressage rider? Moi?! Boy, do I have it bad :P
The boys both seem ready for this upcoming weekend. Ok, minus the fact Bubby has one, never been to Olde Hope and two, never been cross country.......Hence, the little girl riding him will be assisted :) I think he'll do fine. I anticipate some looking around and maybe some ADD when he first gets off the trailer. That's normal for him any place new. I would just warm him up for her but she'll be using a kids saddle ie teeny tiny ie not going to fit no way no how. So, some inhand work should (fingers crossed) get him in show mode.
Bubby and I will be going to a dressage show on Saturday for a couple main reasons. One, I want one more show before I leave for a month, two we haven't shown in FOREVER and three, one of the tests we're doing is the same as the one on Sunday. Oh, and he should be good and tired for Sunday too ;D I lunged him tonight and it was "eh" for the most part. However, he offered to CANTER. WooHoo! Sounds like next week we'll start some jumping and cantering in lessons :D
The boys also got some new clothing, and I got some new stuff too. I love going to the tack store. Love love love. Well, unless I don't but anything. Then its a bummer. Not this time :-) I finally got a new show helmet since the last one died. Same one that I had and boy, did I miss a fitted helmet, haha. It took me weeks to get used to the schooling helmet I had with the God forsaken dial. UGH. I know, I'm being a priss but some things you just can't cheat yourself out of. A good fitting helmet is one...breeches another.....or a saddle....I think you get the picture. If only ride once a week, by all means go cheap. If your butt is always in that saddle, invest in the good stuff. Trust me. Not necessarily expensive, but GOOD stuff.
Darryl was finally splurged on. He has his own knit now (he looks so good in green) and his own "polypad" (ok, its the Dover brand. But the Dover brand is within budget), and webbers for his that is more for those of us that ride him but it counts ;). I also got a new dressage saddle pad (shows ONLY, haha) since my dad shrunk the last one (it'll be good for when I use the close contact on Bubby, lol). I do believe we are all set for this weekend :D
We shall see how the dressage jacket fits, hehe. I haven't worn it since the end of my senior year of college....its been a little while, haha. Thankfully I've lost weight since college. Here's hoping it looks stunning, LOL!
Show update next time (unless something much more interesting comes about ;)
Talk at ya'll later!

Friday, September 17, 2010

This May Be Becoming a Reality :)

As promised, a happier blog! Yay ;-) Today I FINALLY got a chance to try floating teeth! Horse teeth to be exact, lol. This was supposed to happen a couple weeks ago but life happens. So today was the day :D .......And as expected I am no God's gift to equine dentistry, haha. And Bubby wasn't making things easy either. I think I'm going to rename him "Damn Horse!". Hey, it has a ring to it...and we did come across a horse who's name, I kid you not, was Damnit....or Bandit when the kiddies are around ;-) Anyway, when Amanda went to float his teeth a month or so back he was a JACKASS. Which leads us to where I get to practice :D Sedation = Bubby gets to be a guinea pig until I go away to school. Not sure how he feels about the whole thing but since he's being an ass, I don't really care ;D
It was interesting and, dare I say, fun *gasp*. I really had fears that I had put all this time and money and hopes and dreams and all that into something that I could very well hate. Nope! I enjoyed it. Especially when he was still long enough (under sedation) for me to get a feel for how the blades are to move across the teeth. I think I'm destined as the sound of the blades on the teeth is kind of soothing to me. No lie. Call me crazy but come out one day and take a listen. I know, I know, WEIRD. Was born that way. Thanks Mom and Dad, LOL.
Oh, and our lesson went well too :D He's so quick to regain his flexibility and give after time off. His leg is a tad sore though. He must've really taken a hit from, I thinking, Toasty. Stupid ponies. Not that he didn't deserve it, I'm sure. I saw him the day after and he was grabbing ahold of Toasty's forelock and PULLING. *sigh* Anyway, he had a pretty good bruise going for awhile so he more than likely was bearing a lot of weight on the left front and consequently the right front is now a bit stiff. BUT getting better :D
Okay, off to *cough* read *cough* and muse over whether to get Darryl a knit and/or Amigo cooler. Decisions decisions. I could go on forever about which would be better and why. Ugh. And the fact that they're pretty needs to be obsolete, haha. Oh, and also whether I invest 300+ bucks in a super heavy weight (only from Rambo of course!) for him when its dreadful this winter. I have some time to wait (and make some moola) one that one.
Talk at you all later!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Have Come to the Conclusion...

Oy vei. I suppose that's appropriate. So, I have been doing a lot of thinking....I would say lately but, my mind is going all the time....more like WHAT has occupied my thinking as of late. Well, I think there comes of time when ties must be severed. I know, key the dark, Hitchcock music. It is a blog and I did say I needed, or really, wanted a place to vent, so here goes.
Let's take a trip through my personality and morals and beliefs and all that jazz. I am an honest person, a loyal person, an even keeled kinda person.....sometimes a friendly person ;D And if you want to piss me off and successfully end our relationship, however complicated or simplistic, lie to me. Trust me, I can handle the truth. I'm a big girl. Don't pretend to be my friend, don't pretend our relationship hasn't changed.
I will say, there are some people I don't get a chance to talk to as often as I should. But when we do get in touch, we pick up right where we left off. Then there are those that I have tried in vain for years to keep in touch with. Those friends that told me we would always be friends, no matter what....But can't return a phone call, a text, an email, nothing. After the tenth time of cancelling on me with another bogus excuse, and then getting caught in the act not once but twice; I get the picture. What I can't understand is why you keep trying to string me along. It's OK if you don't want my friendship anymore. Truly. I have other friends that know the meaning of friendship. Trust me, you don't need me and I don't need you. It doesn't have to end on horrible terms. We can just end it. In silence is fine too.
But I want you to know that I was there for you. Even when you didn't know it. I naively expected the same out of you. To this day, I don't know what I ever did to you that made you think that I would just let you walk all over me like a sad puppy with nowhere else to go. And that I would just stick around for a time when you might remember I existed and that we were friends.
When it all started unraveling, I cried. I balled. Because I wanted to mend it. I thought we could. But it takes two to tango, and you can't dance. I'm not mad, or upset or looking for any conciliation on the matter. I've just come to a place where, quite frankly, you don't matter. I say that because I think a long time ago, you determined the same about me. Whether you said it out loud or not, your actions have spoken louder than any words ever could. I don't know that that can ever be mended. I would say that its sad but its not. It's just the end. A quiet, peaceful end.
Til next time when the topic will be lighter, I promise.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Off Normal Topic for just a sec...

I got to see the Deadliest Catch captains!!!!!! I know, I know, I'm weird. It takes quite a bit to get me actually interested in something.....and then unfortunately it always seems to turn into an obsession of sorts....weird... ;D Anywho, it was a fun night. Everyone but my little sister went (she regrets it, trust me ;) and we had a blast in general. It's interesting too, I noticed that when the 3 captains came out on stage.....they are REALLY that real! There is no change from what you see on tv to what you see in person, which is AWESOME. Well, except for the lack of bleeping, LOL. We were all kind of suspiscious as to how the whole thing would work. I mean, they just come out and talk and show some footage and pics of them....but they are so entertaining! GO figure, haha. I guess if you've never watched the show, you might've been lost but wotherwise it was worth the 40 bucks to go :D
Okay, back to reality..... hehehe, I crack myself up. If you don't get it, its ok. Its just my sanity leaving for good ;)
Darryl is jumping again!!! Christina had her normal lesson this week, in the indoor with the nice cushiony footing :) And apparently the Ol' Man likes the footing! He was jumping 2'/2'3 totally clean and honest. He just doesn't live by the book that one. I'm going to sit here and pretend he'll live forever and be my kids first pony. *sigh* if only.
Bubby, on the other hand, is finding ways to get out of work *hurrumph*. First, I go to ride him on Labor Day. Great weather, I had company.... and his whole fore arm down to his KNEE is swollen. Joy of all joys. AND its hot. The swelling was so bad you couldn't make out the shape of the cuts to see IF it was a kick or a bite or any number of other things. I think I discovered later what caused it as I watched him outside pulling the forelock of one of the mini's >:/ Damn horse. THEN the farrier comes a few days later to trim. I almost waited on this too. As he is trimming the LAST hoof he hands me a small rock. Piss. Then proceeds to show me where is came from....and flipped some pebbles out of his frog for good measure too. Oy vei. Good news it had JUST started. Matter of fact, if I had ridden on Monday, I would have prevented the whole thing. He hates me, I swear. So it smelled something awful (yay fungus and infection brewing) BUT hadn't started through the hoof yet. Thank. God. Claen it out, little bit of icthomal and we should be good. Better be......damn horse. Just doesn't want to work . He heard the word "show", thats it ;)
Well, til next time. Hopefully I'll be riding tomorrow!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What!?! A MONTH, really???

Alright, so it's been....a while.... Where did the time go? Jeez. Well, lets see if I can update the past.....month...oy. Most recently, it seems BOTH my boys are going to Oktoberfest October 3rd :D *EXCITED*!!!! And, no, I'm not riding either of them. Strange I know but let me explain.
First, Darryl's new buddy Christina took him out cross country schooling last week at Olde Hope (where Oktoberfest is convieninetly held :D). I was a little nervous since I haven't had him out anywhere in a couple years. Stinkin old horses and their issues! *shakes fist in the air* lol. Turns out he was FABULOUS :D He LOVED being out on the cross country course, of course, haha. And I think the trailer ride in general. He likes field trips :) He has retired himslef it seems to the Greenhorn field (no higher than 1') which is fine. He's 30. He can decide just how high and how long he wishes to work. She enjoyed herself too she is happy to take him out :D He also saved the day/week AGAIN for camp. I love my ol' man <3 I also truly think that once he packs some more weight on and continues getting worked regularly, he'll want to jump a bit higher again. And he did JUMP the Greenhorn fences. Thats my boy.
Now Bubby had another jumping lesson with my friend Ali. He. Was. AWESOME. Picking the knees up and CANTERing away :D NO PACING!!! Yes, there is reason I had to have that horse 10 years ago :) Then Tuesday night Kylie asked if she could take him to Oktoberfest to do the Greenhorn class. Sure! It will be good for both of them. He needs some more show miles and I wanted to take him Greenhorn eventually anyway. He's generally good at shows too. He's also easier for her to control than the little pony she normally rides. And since they're both going in Greenhorn, they can stay on the trailer and get off the trailer together. Not to mention warm up together. They're both great alone but together they still have attachment issues, haha.
Did I mention no showing fees???? WooHoo!!! Man, I got lucky in the horse department :-) Love love love my boys.
Thats the bulk of whats been going on. I mean, there were some camps and bratty kids and brakes failing while pulling a trailer all in there too......Maybe for next time ;)
Talk at ya'll later! Its been a long few weeks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Heart My Horses :D

I cannot gush anymore profusely! My boys did FANTASTIC last night. Just fantastic :D Kylie finally got to ride Bubby in her lesson. She has a brass set, lemme tell ya. I think the height unnerved her for a second.....literally, haha. He did get a little quick in the trot at first but the second time around he was very good and she exclaimed (as I'm running along side him) "I got it! I got the rhythm!". Music to my ears :D I think at first he didn't know what to do with a whole 40 lbs (maybe) on his back, haha.

Then Christina rode Darryl. He is VERY out of shape. Yet, very willing to work. My only hesitation was because back in the fall/winter, he was getting a little.....full of himself, let's just say. I was hoping to chalk it up to the cool air and he was still getting back into shape. Ever notice how a thoroughbred's response to work after time off is "happy butt's"??? lol. He was also fantastic for her. They rode in a 5 person lesson which is unusual for this barn but what he is used to and it seemed to have worked for them. My trainer and I both think with a few weeks of trot pole work, he'll be ready to add some canter and small X's to their lessons :D 'Ol man's still got it!
And, yes, I snuck a picture of Ali and Bubby JUMPING! I know it doesn't look like my much to the untrained eye, oh but it is priceless. Standardbreds CAN jump! :D
'Til next time! :D

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Happy Happy!!!

Today was the day a lot of hard work and patience paid off :D And a day I proved the naysayers wrong....if only for my benefit :) A friend came over to the barn today and asked if I wanted her to hop on Bubby. She's ridden him before and has been riding greenies and, in general, a lot longer than me. It's always nice to see your horse go with someone else, good or bad, to just SEE it AND keep them from being a one-rider horse. Oh, and she loves my jumping saddle, lol. I haven't had a ton of time lately (update on that in a sec) so it worked out for all :)
It started kind of rocky. He was back to dragging his hind feet and locking his neck. We were in the indoor and I seriously think that the felt footing actually encourages him to do so. Oy. He was strung out and bending a LITTLE. I figured it would be a bust but wanted him to go over some trot poles so we at least ended on a good note. And my friend is game for anything and understands dealing with greenies, so outside we went. Hello different horse! He was right where we left off last week :D (hence the felt theory, haha). He was round and flexing and holding himself UP! Oh, and tracking up too :) THAT is my horse.
Last time she had ridden him, a couple months ago, she had tried him over some cross rails which he went over but, eh not really. This first one was too small. Yes, he's going to be one of those. Too small, I crash it or trot ridiculously high over it. Up two more holes it went. And then I became absolutely elated. See, I never intended him to really jump. He's never really really liked the idea and recently he's been developing some bad habits (ie rushing) with the cavalettis and trot poles. Today. Today he looked like he had been jumping all his life :D :D He stretched over the jump with a great take off, little bascule and landing. I am such a proud mama! Then, he started like he was going to canter (we do get a tad excited when we get things right, haha). So the next time around, she encouraged him and my boy CANTERED!!!! It was a little short but he stayed collected and again like he'd been doing it forever. And then he got confused transitioning down and paced, lol. He'll get it, I'm sure.
SEE, classical training works! And Standardbreds CAN jump AND canter AND do them WELL with training. Just like any other horse. I was telling my boss the other day on the way to a dental appointment that I want another STB. I really do. Obviously when I have the means and the time, lol. But it has been such a rewarding experience and I fully believe that if I had had an instructor like I have now, I would have a fantastically trained 16yo horse now. I'll always have Bubby (well, until...) but when he's done being a late blooming show horse my next will be another off the track STB, for sure.
More good news *fingers crossed* There is someone starting the barn tomorrow. He'll be doing M-F, IF it all works out. I'm hoping! Now, to get ready for CAMP, dun dun dun. Hahaha. And then bring on the weddings and bridal showers :D
Til next time!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Oy. I am not a fan of 10 and 12 hour days. No. Thank. You. Ugh! So, the new guy kind of sort of worked out....for weekends *headdesk*. Yes, it could be worse except that I'm basically doing the job of two people >P I'm feeding, turning out, bringing in, cleaning AND helping my boss with her dental appointments. Makes for very long days. And I just can't seem to get enough sleep no matter what I do. I WANT to sleep. Honest. I haven't been able to convince myself to STAY asleep. I have had help from my "little" brother, haha. I would not have been able to do all the barn work and the dental help work AND lessons by myself. This coming week will be even worse. Is it bad I'm already counting the days down til Friday??? Dun dun dun ~ CAMP WEEK. On a good note, it is the LAST one!!! Oh Joy :)
In other news, the boys and a few others in the barn finally got their feet done. And EVERYONE is sore. They were done Wednesday no less. Yeah, they were a bit over due. But sometimes the farrier gets a little trim happy too. Don't get me wrong, he's a really good farrier both skill wise and business wise. Last time my guys were done, their feet looked good. Let's just say, ok. This time, they look fantastic BUT they are both ouchy. Thankfully, everybody is getting better so *knock on wood* nothing serious going on in the hoof department, haha.
OH, and one of the girls at the barn is going to try Darryl aka Ol' Man, in her lesson next week! I'm crossing my fingers he works out for her. I simply can't keep them both exercised right now. He gets groomed and fussed over a bit during the week but no work. I mentioned it in passing and her eyes lit up :) I think they would be good for one another. She rides well for her level, nice seat, nice hands, good balance. He needs someone to kick his butt a little, lol, and have FUN with him. And I know she would appreciate him too. I figure is she likes him, she can ride him whenever she would like, on sort of a free lease. I'm lucky to have two good boys, why not share them? Here's to hoping he doesn't buck in his lesson and scare her. I've told her he KNOWS it, he's simply on the rusty, old-and-cantankarous side, lol. It would be so good for him. I do feel a little bad that it would take away from my boss' business (she has been paying for extra rides on a lesson horse) but at the same time, I know this girl really really really wants to ride and doesn't have the resources to be able to as much as she'd like. Please work, please work, please work!

I'll let you all (hahaha) know how it all goes. Kylie may be riding Bubby this week too :D We shall see!!!
Til next time! :-D

Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Kids Crack Me Up!

Okay, how do people not like kids, in general??? I know some people should never breed yet they do and then we as a society must deal with the backlash of their spawn. But some kids are really cool! lol. For example, this one little girl (7) rides at the barn with her mom very Tuesday. They missed their regular lesson so they came Wednesday to ride. I've been helping with Kylie's lesson for about a year on and off. She's one of those students that will do anything, I mean ANYTHING related to horses. And bound and determined to event her lesson pony Dude....preferrably NOW, thank you. So I showed up Wednesday evening to feed and muck stalls and here comes Kylie running up to say hi.
She is too cute. Really. She is so animated and so little, haha. Being so small and only 7, there is only so much she can "help" with. She was sooooo excited to lead the "big" horses. As she led Bubby out someone commented just how freaking cute she is.....which got me thinking.... So Kylie may be riding Bubby in her lesson Tuesday hehehe :D I think it will good for the both of them. She can ride something that she may actually be able to post with (She posts too slow on Dude) and I've always had a feeling Bubby would make an excellent lesson we shall see. I completely trust him. He tends to listen to the wee ones more so than me anyway! I think I mentioned in a previous post he LOVES little kids. He doesn't go blank when they work around him or ride him like a lot of lesson horses tend to. He is very attentive :) If I could just find a therapeutic program to try him in next.....
In sucky news, the barn helper quit. Here's the kicker: he wanted to do less work and be paid more.......Does that make sense to ANYONE??? Not to mention, I don't think this guy had any room to negotiate like that....this kinda job helps you to fly under the radar if ya know what I mean. Good news, my boss may have already found a replacement. Here's hoping! And this guy sounds like the real deal. Hoping, praying... I really don't think I can go back to the work schedule I was on pre-Juan. I like having a LIFE thank you. And it would be a step back instead of forward. Maybe others may think that in my position I should work myself to death to get anywhere but I'm simply not doing that. Health wise, no way. I would like to be doing this when I die an old, cantankarous, cat lady in her 90s, thanks. Seriously, the horse world can be so archaic.

I'll have to be sure to get pics of my boy and Kylie. Crossing fingers all goes well!!!
Til next time :-)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not Sure I Have An Excuse This Time....

Well, I didn't promise to get this thing written regularly.....right??? This time, I blame the heat ;) Which, in all fairness, was horrible last week. I did ride last week, barely. Ugh, the heat and humidity was >P Summer can suck it. I had an overheated horse both days I rode. And for only 15, MAYBE 20 minutes. The only good thing about my last few rides is my horse is FINALLY picking up his feet! And by that I mean he is now flying through the cavalettis *headdesk*. Be careful what you wish for. But, as the saying goes, in some aspect, better to have too much horse than not enough. I have to say, it IS easier to bring them back from too much suspension, more forward, etc...then to kick and scream at them for more forward, more suspension, etc...
The Ol' Man got a bath yesterday when I was done cooling out Bubby. Bubby hadn't had breakfast yet and Darry was DONE, thank you. They get so cantankerous in old age, haha. He enjoyed the attention. I feel bad I don't do more with him but keeping one show fit is enough for me right now. And it's really hot. I know, broken record BUT he is 30 and out of shape because of the weight gain he needed last year. I don't want to puch my luck. He's happy being retired and groomed a couple times a week :) I figured a bath was in order yesterday. He is awesome to bathe. Anyone who has ever bathed a young and/or impatient horse, appreciates an old pro. He got his puff mints too, much to his enjoyment :D I discovered them a couple years ago when his teeth started going (at 28!) and he was ever determined but having a hell of a time eating star mints. He LOVES mints. Probably ranks up there with jumping and foxhunting on Darryl's favorite things in the whole wide world :D Next on the Darryl-to-do list - mane pulling! lol

Alrighty, in the middle of watching the Deadliest Catch finale :-) Did I mention I have tickets to see Captain Andy, Captain John and Captain Sig in September??? Dork I know, but soooo excited :-D
Til next time!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Disappearing Act, haha

Well, its been longer than I had intended, haha. Camp Weeks do that to me. Oh, Camp Week, how I hate thee. Granted this time around we only had 5 girls compared to the 11 we had last camp week. And only 2 were overnighters. I think I would enjoy it more if it weren't so damn hot and HUMID. Ugh. I despise summer. Truly. I do not think I was destined to live in such a climate. How do people live in Florida, or Mississippi, or TEXAS for that matter. No thank you. I was jealous Maine had a 55 degree day a couple weeks ago. That's sad.
Other than weather, camp wasn't too bad. I had a leadline student who is about 5, I think? Very cute. And even though she was extremely quiet and I questioned a few times whether I was making any sense to her, by the end of the week she was doing marvelous :D She was posting by herself with me just leading Dude. She did camp last year and hasn't ridden since this past week. Wow. And she remembered all her horse and tack parts we had gone over all week. I kill for those students! lol. AND she may be taking lessons regularly too :)
I'm starting to REALLY realize the impact I potentially have on the next generation of riders. I try to remind myself what it was like when I first got an interest in horses. I think its true a=of any sport or discipline that you latch onto certain people. And you (and your parents) can only hope that it's someone who knows what they are doing and will be a positive influence. A couple times this week I had to step back and remind myself that its only the really good and the really bad that kids remember. I had to second guess myself a few times. I don't know but to me it's incentive to do a better job each time. Here's hoping.
I FINALLY got to ride as well. My horse, thankfully, who works BETTER with time off. But he was way better than I could have imagined. He has basically been ridden 3 or 4 times in 3 weeks between camp, heat and injury. And Friday he was moving great. Forward and finally picking up that right hind!. Now last week when we went through the cavalettis he was still rubbing them at the walk and trot. I was beginning to have my doubts to say the least. Friday he started collecting himself as he turned for them. YAY! And he hardly touched them. So happy. I rode Saturday with a friend and again, forward and picking his right hind up :D Good way to end a hectic (camp) week.
Random thought of the day: Despicable Me is AWESOME, lol. I never thought a PG film could be SO funny. My inner child loved it :D

Til next time :-)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

UGH. I'm Moving NORTH

I HATE the heat. Hate hate HATE. And have I heard from the company in New England I sent my resume to??? No. Of course not. >P Oh well. I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets cranky in the heat. Kind of glad that......*knocks on wood*.... I haven't been called back to work, haha. I love going with my trainer when she does teeth but I've already been out feeding 20 some ungrateful horses this morning..... I'm happy being in the AC. Not to mention I got screwed into doing the PM feeding last night and doing the barn by myself. Did I mention the heat makes me cranky??? Oy.
So I have been a lazy bum and haven't ridden this week. One, its unGodly hot and my horse and I both agree that the heat sucks. Plus, if I don't have to wear long pants, I ain't gonna. Two, Bubbys' leg was still swollen Tuesday, our normal lesson time. Better safe than sorry. I think tomorrow I'm going to bite the bullet and ride >P We both need it and I'm just being a wuss, haha.
Not too much else going on which I'm not sure anymore whether its a good or bad thing. Could a full time position somewhere fall in my lap please??? lol. Yeah, right. I need a change but I just haven't figured out WHAT to change to. Oy. I don't like this feeling of suspension, like I'm just floating out there with no direction. Makes me nervous.
Maybe I'll just go make pizza for lunch and forget about it for now. Yes, Karly, thats the solution ;)
'Til next time.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Happy Independence Day! Let's face it, I am deeply patriotic but my secret secondary reason for loving this food :D Actually, any holiday for that matter, lol. And I do love this quote I stumbled upon that I think explains what I mean:

" You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism." ~Erma Bombeck


Maybe one of these days I'll rant about how pissed I get when people BORN HERE can't appreciate the fact that they were BORN HERE. But immigrants that decide to become citizens do AND have a better working knowledge of our history than many of those same people, and from sheer WANT to. OK, mini rant over ;)

In horse news, Bubby's leg has decided to swell up. Thankfully, just around the wound and not the whole leg. Thank God for small miracles. I'm hoping to be back on, on Tuesday but we shall see. AND we were supposed to do conditioning work this week at Unicorn Stables (ie HILLS!). Ah well. We get there when we get there.
I'm also seriously considering taking western lessons at a barn near Fair Hill. I've ridden western before but not to the extent I have english. Maybe maybe. They do bareback lessons too. SWEET. Which is something I personally think I desperately need and I simply can't do on my guys and be successful.
I shall keep you all (HAHA) posted.
Back to watching the Deadliest Catch marathon :)

"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." ~Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, July 1, 2010

May be Time for A New Helmet...

So....I was kind of waiting for something interesting to blog about. Then figured I would just update the usual when I got a chance to breathe...And then my horse and I had a first this morning: our first fall. I've come off my older guy in lessons, about 3 months into riding him. It only took close to 10 years for Bubby and I, haha. Oh, and we made it good too. FACEPLANT. Yep. You see, we've been doing cavaletti work for the last month or so, to get him to pick UP his feet, specifically his right hind (he tends to "drag" it). Well, we were being lazier than usual today (and it was SO nice out, of course) and didn't want to walk properly through them. Translation: we spent 20 minutes walking through them until he was doing them decently. We picked up the trot and got over them a couple times FANTASTIC...... And then......I can't even tell you what happened to his feet. As many riders know, when you fall, there are phases:

  1. you question whether you're actually in trouble ~ example: "Did he trip?"

  2. you think you can save it ~ Try to rebalance him or you, pull him up or give him rein, etc...

  3. you question again whether you have a problem. Also a denial phase ~ "Can we recover???" "Duh, of course..."

  4. you resign to your fate ~ "oh, shit. we're goin down"

Yeah. And it all happens in milliseconds. He had tripped over them earlier, so I sat up and continued to ride it........ Until I felt his front end completely buckle. I looked down in time to see him faceplant. And then I followed in similiar fashion. And I am no lightweight. My chest landed on his occipital bone. Ouch. Thought for a second I bruised my sternum. That immediate adrenaline rush, haha. Overall, not a bad fall. And it reaffirms that I made a great albeit uneducated decision to buy him 10 years ago. I thought for sure he would panic and flip me. Nope. I slid down his head, he righted himself and then waited for me. Totally calm. I heart my horse :D

Injury report: minimal. I have some bruises sort of all over. I do need a new helmet even though I think I just tapped it. I think this is fall 5 or 6 now...... Better safe than sorry. I'm sure I'll have more to report tomorrow morning, haha.

Bubby did get scraped up. A good one on his right front, small one on the left front. And it looks like he caught his hind legs on a cavaletti too. I think the front legs are the ones that got caught up in them. We ended there. I always get back on after a fall BUT I know that I can definitely get back on in a few days, no issue. And, his legs needed to be cold hosed just to be sure they didn't swell. He kept trying to give me his right front leg when I looked him over :( poor boy. Betchya we pick those feet up next time!

Situations like these really make me appreciate my horse. I've gotten flack over the years for having a Standardbred and recently for training him in dressage. But you know what? At the end of the day, we're partners. We're a team. You can take your minimal intelligent, prepackaged warmblood, and keep it. I have a horse that would go to the end of the earth with me and give me his all no matter what. You cann't buy the trust we have for on another. THAT is the horse I want to work with and compete with. Warmbloods in dressage....thats just too easy ;)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Things that Come Out of Boredom

Well, I guess I'll introduce myself to all the millions viewing this.....HA! ;) Anyway, for those interested and willing to read this "pish", my name is Karly. I'm a 24 year old working student/stablehand....../daughter/Big sister/rider/instructor/ get the picture :) I guess I'll be using this little bloggy thingy to vent when needed and maybe inspire when it so moves me??? Maybe, maybe. We shall see.

So, the working student thing...Well, lets just say it ain't what I thought it would be, haha. There are some good times but more often than not I find it to be rather disappointing. Hopefully I can find a real job here soon and fill in the details. Let's just say it's the main reason for the title of this blog. Ever looked after 10 riding campers for a week with an overly ambitious boss??? Oh, its interesting. Thank God I have become accustom to the heat (at least somewhat) since it is FORBIDDEN to have shade anywhere near the trailer parking. I only had to load and unload 9 horses over a 6 hour period. Oy. Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot last week and got a TON of experience with camps and shows (events specifically). BUT it is a TON of work! Luckily we did have a couple awesome campers that helped out. Sometimes without even asking! :D

Unfortunately, I didn't get to ride last week :( Some people may think I should have tried harder but again unless you've dealt with 10 campers for 5 days straight doing constant activity (keep those mischievious brains working and exhausted, lol) for 8 or 9 hours a day....Yeah, I wanna see you jump on your horse and be productive, hahaha. I will say though, my guy in training is usually better after having a break like this. I'll know tomorrow! I don't feel too bad. He was ridden every other day the week before and then had a show Saturday and on the way home the trailer broke down. 5 hours on the trailer = not feeling guilty for giving him the week off.

Speaking of those furry four legged ones, I have two :) The first is my 16yo Standardbred (you know, they race with the little 'carts') Bubby I just stared training last July. I've had him since I was 14 and it's been one ofthe best decisions I ever convinced my parents to let me do :D Maybe in a future blog I'll go over why it took so long to get him to this point. The picture is of us at our last show before the trailer breakdown. I'm training him in dressage with my trainer twice a week and we have some sooooo far in the last year. I'll have to post some old pics of the two of us. Oh boy, THAT will be interesting, lol. I picked dressage because, well, I enjoy and like to tell myself I'm good at it. I've never been the best jumper. Wish I was. And really, neither is he. I consider him my soulmate in the horse world. Seriously. When that horse's time comes, lets just say no one will be able to find me for a long long time. To me he's perfect (even when he PACES during our dressage test). Everyone elses opinion be damned.

My other guy is a 30yo Thoroughbred named Darryl. Yes, 30 big ones. And if you ever see him in person, you'd never know :) I proudly say he still tries to buck me like a young colt. He was my lesson horse at the previous farm I rode at. He taught me to canter, how to use leg, how to jump and just how much fun an inpromptu gallop can be. So when the girl he was previously given to didn't want him anymore I gladly took him home. He and Bubby are attached at the hip. They act very much like the brothers I call them. They look out for each other and work together in sync. Makes me a very proud horse Mom :D

Well, thats my introduction. More info to come I hope!