Monday, September 27, 2010

Truly Mild Chaos

Busy busy busy. The definition of life right now, haha. Where to begin....well, our first show in months(!) is this weekend. I truly have the showing bug. I used to get pretty nervous before shows, and I'm sure there will be some of that this weekend but I have a need to show now. I've thought about it, and training other peoples horses at one time seemed like it would be a lot of fun. Now, well, I get a lot of joy out of my own horses. Not so much out of anyone elses, haha. I don't know. I ride them all the same. I just feel like there's more of a responsibility when it comes to my own. Oh, and Ive turned into somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my horse.....Dressage rider? Moi?! Boy, do I have it bad :P
The boys both seem ready for this upcoming weekend. Ok, minus the fact Bubby has one, never been to Olde Hope and two, never been cross country.......Hence, the little girl riding him will be assisted :) I think he'll do fine. I anticipate some looking around and maybe some ADD when he first gets off the trailer. That's normal for him any place new. I would just warm him up for her but she'll be using a kids saddle ie teeny tiny ie not going to fit no way no how. So, some inhand work should (fingers crossed) get him in show mode.
Bubby and I will be going to a dressage show on Saturday for a couple main reasons. One, I want one more show before I leave for a month, two we haven't shown in FOREVER and three, one of the tests we're doing is the same as the one on Sunday. Oh, and he should be good and tired for Sunday too ;D I lunged him tonight and it was "eh" for the most part. However, he offered to CANTER. WooHoo! Sounds like next week we'll start some jumping and cantering in lessons :D
The boys also got some new clothing, and I got some new stuff too. I love going to the tack store. Love love love. Well, unless I don't but anything. Then its a bummer. Not this time :-) I finally got a new show helmet since the last one died. Same one that I had and boy, did I miss a fitted helmet, haha. It took me weeks to get used to the schooling helmet I had with the God forsaken dial. UGH. I know, I'm being a priss but some things you just can't cheat yourself out of. A good fitting helmet is one...breeches another.....or a saddle....I think you get the picture. If only ride once a week, by all means go cheap. If your butt is always in that saddle, invest in the good stuff. Trust me. Not necessarily expensive, but GOOD stuff.
Darryl was finally splurged on. He has his own knit now (he looks so good in green) and his own "polypad" (ok, its the Dover brand. But the Dover brand is within budget), and webbers for his that is more for those of us that ride him but it counts ;). I also got a new dressage saddle pad (shows ONLY, haha) since my dad shrunk the last one (it'll be good for when I use the close contact on Bubby, lol). I do believe we are all set for this weekend :D
We shall see how the dressage jacket fits, hehe. I haven't worn it since the end of my senior year of college....its been a little while, haha. Thankfully I've lost weight since college. Here's hoping it looks stunning, LOL!
Show update next time (unless something much more interesting comes about ;)
Talk at ya'll later!

Friday, September 17, 2010

This May Be Becoming a Reality :)

As promised, a happier blog! Yay ;-) Today I FINALLY got a chance to try floating teeth! Horse teeth to be exact, lol. This was supposed to happen a couple weeks ago but life happens. So today was the day :D .......And as expected I am no God's gift to equine dentistry, haha. And Bubby wasn't making things easy either. I think I'm going to rename him "Damn Horse!". Hey, it has a ring to it...and we did come across a horse who's name, I kid you not, was Damnit....or Bandit when the kiddies are around ;-) Anyway, when Amanda went to float his teeth a month or so back he was a JACKASS. Which leads us to where I get to practice :D Sedation = Bubby gets to be a guinea pig until I go away to school. Not sure how he feels about the whole thing but since he's being an ass, I don't really care ;D
It was interesting and, dare I say, fun *gasp*. I really had fears that I had put all this time and money and hopes and dreams and all that into something that I could very well hate. Nope! I enjoyed it. Especially when he was still long enough (under sedation) for me to get a feel for how the blades are to move across the teeth. I think I'm destined as the sound of the blades on the teeth is kind of soothing to me. No lie. Call me crazy but come out one day and take a listen. I know, I know, WEIRD. Was born that way. Thanks Mom and Dad, LOL.
Oh, and our lesson went well too :D He's so quick to regain his flexibility and give after time off. His leg is a tad sore though. He must've really taken a hit from, I thinking, Toasty. Stupid ponies. Not that he didn't deserve it, I'm sure. I saw him the day after and he was grabbing ahold of Toasty's forelock and PULLING. *sigh* Anyway, he had a pretty good bruise going for awhile so he more than likely was bearing a lot of weight on the left front and consequently the right front is now a bit stiff. BUT getting better :D
Okay, off to *cough* read *cough* and muse over whether to get Darryl a knit and/or Amigo cooler. Decisions decisions. I could go on forever about which would be better and why. Ugh. And the fact that they're pretty needs to be obsolete, haha. Oh, and also whether I invest 300+ bucks in a super heavy weight (only from Rambo of course!) for him when its dreadful this winter. I have some time to wait (and make some moola) one that one.
Talk at you all later!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Have Come to the Conclusion...

Oy vei. I suppose that's appropriate. So, I have been doing a lot of thinking....I would say lately but, my mind is going all the time....more like WHAT has occupied my thinking as of late. Well, I think there comes of time when ties must be severed. I know, key the dark, Hitchcock music. It is a blog and I did say I needed, or really, wanted a place to vent, so here goes.
Let's take a trip through my personality and morals and beliefs and all that jazz. I am an honest person, a loyal person, an even keeled kinda person.....sometimes a friendly person ;D And if you want to piss me off and successfully end our relationship, however complicated or simplistic, lie to me. Trust me, I can handle the truth. I'm a big girl. Don't pretend to be my friend, don't pretend our relationship hasn't changed.
I will say, there are some people I don't get a chance to talk to as often as I should. But when we do get in touch, we pick up right where we left off. Then there are those that I have tried in vain for years to keep in touch with. Those friends that told me we would always be friends, no matter what....But can't return a phone call, a text, an email, nothing. After the tenth time of cancelling on me with another bogus excuse, and then getting caught in the act not once but twice; I get the picture. What I can't understand is why you keep trying to string me along. It's OK if you don't want my friendship anymore. Truly. I have other friends that know the meaning of friendship. Trust me, you don't need me and I don't need you. It doesn't have to end on horrible terms. We can just end it. In silence is fine too.
But I want you to know that I was there for you. Even when you didn't know it. I naively expected the same out of you. To this day, I don't know what I ever did to you that made you think that I would just let you walk all over me like a sad puppy with nowhere else to go. And that I would just stick around for a time when you might remember I existed and that we were friends.
When it all started unraveling, I cried. I balled. Because I wanted to mend it. I thought we could. But it takes two to tango, and you can't dance. I'm not mad, or upset or looking for any conciliation on the matter. I've just come to a place where, quite frankly, you don't matter. I say that because I think a long time ago, you determined the same about me. Whether you said it out loud or not, your actions have spoken louder than any words ever could. I don't know that that can ever be mended. I would say that its sad but its not. It's just the end. A quiet, peaceful end.
Til next time when the topic will be lighter, I promise.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Off Normal Topic for just a sec...

I got to see the Deadliest Catch captains!!!!!! I know, I know, I'm weird. It takes quite a bit to get me actually interested in something.....and then unfortunately it always seems to turn into an obsession of sorts....weird... ;D Anywho, it was a fun night. Everyone but my little sister went (she regrets it, trust me ;) and we had a blast in general. It's interesting too, I noticed that when the 3 captains came out on stage.....they are REALLY that real! There is no change from what you see on tv to what you see in person, which is AWESOME. Well, except for the lack of bleeping, LOL. We were all kind of suspiscious as to how the whole thing would work. I mean, they just come out and talk and show some footage and pics of them....but they are so entertaining! GO figure, haha. I guess if you've never watched the show, you might've been lost but wotherwise it was worth the 40 bucks to go :D
Okay, back to reality..... hehehe, I crack myself up. If you don't get it, its ok. Its just my sanity leaving for good ;)
Darryl is jumping again!!! Christina had her normal lesson this week, in the indoor with the nice cushiony footing :) And apparently the Ol' Man likes the footing! He was jumping 2'/2'3 totally clean and honest. He just doesn't live by the book that one. I'm going to sit here and pretend he'll live forever and be my kids first pony. *sigh* if only.
Bubby, on the other hand, is finding ways to get out of work *hurrumph*. First, I go to ride him on Labor Day. Great weather, I had company.... and his whole fore arm down to his KNEE is swollen. Joy of all joys. AND its hot. The swelling was so bad you couldn't make out the shape of the cuts to see IF it was a kick or a bite or any number of other things. I think I discovered later what caused it as I watched him outside pulling the forelock of one of the mini's >:/ Damn horse. THEN the farrier comes a few days later to trim. I almost waited on this too. As he is trimming the LAST hoof he hands me a small rock. Piss. Then proceeds to show me where is came from....and flipped some pebbles out of his frog for good measure too. Oy vei. Good news it had JUST started. Matter of fact, if I had ridden on Monday, I would have prevented the whole thing. He hates me, I swear. So it smelled something awful (yay fungus and infection brewing) BUT hadn't started through the hoof yet. Thank. God. Claen it out, little bit of icthomal and we should be good. Better be......damn horse. Just doesn't want to work . He heard the word "show", thats it ;)
Well, til next time. Hopefully I'll be riding tomorrow!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What!?! A MONTH, really???

Alright, so it's been....a while.... Where did the time go? Jeez. Well, lets see if I can update the past.....month...oy. Most recently, it seems BOTH my boys are going to Oktoberfest October 3rd :D *EXCITED*!!!! And, no, I'm not riding either of them. Strange I know but let me explain.
First, Darryl's new buddy Christina took him out cross country schooling last week at Olde Hope (where Oktoberfest is convieninetly held :D). I was a little nervous since I haven't had him out anywhere in a couple years. Stinkin old horses and their issues! *shakes fist in the air* lol. Turns out he was FABULOUS :D He LOVED being out on the cross country course, of course, haha. And I think the trailer ride in general. He likes field trips :) He has retired himslef it seems to the Greenhorn field (no higher than 1') which is fine. He's 30. He can decide just how high and how long he wishes to work. She enjoyed herself too she is happy to take him out :D He also saved the day/week AGAIN for camp. I love my ol' man <3 I also truly think that once he packs some more weight on and continues getting worked regularly, he'll want to jump a bit higher again. And he did JUMP the Greenhorn fences. Thats my boy.
Now Bubby had another jumping lesson with my friend Ali. He. Was. AWESOME. Picking the knees up and CANTERing away :D NO PACING!!! Yes, there is reason I had to have that horse 10 years ago :) Then Tuesday night Kylie asked if she could take him to Oktoberfest to do the Greenhorn class. Sure! It will be good for both of them. He needs some more show miles and I wanted to take him Greenhorn eventually anyway. He's generally good at shows too. He's also easier for her to control than the little pony she normally rides. And since they're both going in Greenhorn, they can stay on the trailer and get off the trailer together. Not to mention warm up together. They're both great alone but together they still have attachment issues, haha.
Did I mention no showing fees???? WooHoo!!! Man, I got lucky in the horse department :-) Love love love my boys.
Thats the bulk of whats been going on. I mean, there were some camps and bratty kids and brakes failing while pulling a trailer all in there too......Maybe for next time ;)
Talk at ya'll later! Its been a long few weeks!