Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Oh boy, where to start. First, I have had no motivation nor TIME to sit and write anything. To say I've been busy is, well, an understatement to say the least. Oy. Haha. Not that I haven't wanted to share my thoughts. Really, who doesn't??? But today is an impromptu day off (so far) and its driving me nuts. The girl that could sit around for hours with nothing to do seems to have disappeared in the last month. On to that subject...

I will say it now and I will say it in 10 years: Dental school was the best decision I have ever made. Period. Was it chaotic? Yes. Was it a hell of a lot of fun? YES. I'll give you basic run down. The first week and a half, you spend in a classroom going over anatomy and physiology of the horse, specifically the head and teeth (duh). Along with the different weird stuff that can happen when teeth are not cared for properly, HOW to care for them properly, the differences in the breeds in relation to the teeth, sedation, tools, etc... Then, you go to the barn. Dun, dun, duunnnn. We started out at rescues where basically nothing has anything really normal going on in their mouths. Power tools (think human dental drills times 10), pulling teeth, sedation, and more sedation. Truly, no better learning environment. And your instructors/drill sergeants make the the experience even more fun ;)

So you spend two full weeks in barns doing everything from regular floats (once in a blue moon in school), pulling teeth, removing caps, incisor work, molar cutting, I could go on. And by the end of two weeks, you are sore, running on fumes.....and floating teeth all by yourself and looking for more :)
And I could go on about the van rides to and from appointments. The inside jokes. The lunch and dinner outings. It was just too much fun. You get used to being busy and working and tired and whatever. But you never hear complaining. Because we were all there with the same goal in mind. And we are all having the time of our lives, for that short period of time.
So now, I get to call equine dentist. And that just hasn't sunk in yet. Nor the fact that I CAN put EqDT after my name. Holy cow! I have a purpose in life!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh Dear...

Alright....its been a while....*sigh* Well, I KINDA have an excuse (as I type without my right index finger, explanation to come). So, I think I left off with the boys getting ready for Oktoberfest.....a month and a half ago. Yikes! Good news, both shows went well :D Bubby was absolutely FANTASTIC for the dressage show that Saturday. As usual our first test was kind of a bust. Not as bad as it has been but still... Now, his Intro B ~ SPECTACULAR! He came in and went out looking like a true dressage horse :D I *heart* my boy. Then Sunday, both went and did the Greenhorn division at Olde Hope Farm. Darryl took 2nd. Not too shabby for an ancient ;) And Bubby and Kylie took 8th. BUT, the child wanted a brown ribbon and that is precisely what she got :D I could not have been happier.
Now for the bad news. So, while thinking about writing the blog on the show, when I FINALLY had time to even think about it, I received a sucker punch to the gut. My Drill mount from college had to be put down after a bad bout with colic. And as much as I have wanted to write about him, I haven't been able to bring myself to do so. One day, I will dedicate a post to him. But right now, I can't even look at an Arab without thinking about him and wanting to cry. And just never thought of Wilson and Drill team and Ann without him. Colic just doesn't seem like the way he should have gone. Always the good ones I guess.... For another day...
So what am I up to now, you all ask (HAHAHA)? I am 3 weeks thru a 4 week equine dental technician school. WooHoo. Here's the explanation on the index finger, lol. It has been quite interesting to say the least. Again, I will eventually get around to blogging about the adventures of dental school. Quite entertaining to say the least. Til then, you'll have to wait. Just did 2 horses "on my own" today :) So, I'm wimping out for the night.......Don't tell anyone though.... ;)

Til next time!