Monday, February 21, 2011

Quiet Time :)

Oh, I do love my pony :D I can't say that about our last ride, last week but we all have our good days and our bad days I suppose. I was so excited about last Wednesdays ride too. I FINALLY got my little boom box OUT of its box (its only been sitting around since Christmas) and took it too the barn. Nifty little thing too. You just sit the iPod in the dock and voila, music. Only downside is that the little remote that comes with it only works for the volume and the radio. Luckily I did set up a play list to start going through songs. I do one day want to do a musical freestyle with him. One of these days! That and I had to try some music I've been listening too since i graduated but didn't have a team to ride with and try them out anymore. So I put it on shuffle and went through a couple pop songs and quite a few Celtic songs. Albannach, Gaelic Storm, some from the Robin Hood soundtrack :D Man, i miss riding to music. I need to get Bubby a bit more acquainted with it though. That and I need to pick a day where he isn't being an ass with me. Ha!
For whatever reason, he was not too pleased with me. This does happen from time to time and usually i can figure out the cause of the pissiness. I have yet to determine what it was last Wednesday. I would say the music except he became a piss ant AFTER we had been riding for a while. the sand pile, which has been there for over a year, all of a sudden became a monster. Like its moved or something. Ugh. THIS is why people call them jugheads, haha. And, bend? What freakin' bend?! i think he knows I absolutely despise it when he does that crap too. So, we worked on sit trot for the longest time ever for the two of us until he behaved himself. I was sweating, he was sweating and it was a warmish kind of day. I mean, what other day would you pick to pick a fight but a warm day when you still have your woolly mammoth winter coat???
So, he sat in a stall with a cooler on while I rode Scoop :) Scoop is a cool little horse. Well, ok, he's bigger than Bubby but still ;) He can be the most gorgeous horse or he can be a llama.....whichever suits him that day, haha. Last time I rode him I could not for the life of me get him on the bit. This time, I had a few more tricks to try out. Turns out Scoopy is a legs man, hehe. He prefers a very light contact but WILL take advantage of it if you let him. Legs it is! i don't think I have ever sat on a horse that gives and drops his head so quickly with just leg. Of course, we wasn't too happy with me..... Someone is not really a fan of being told what to do especially from someone that is not Mom.... But, we worked it all out in the end. And I won :D And he enjoys Scottish tribal music. I may have to ride Scoop more often.... ;)

No music today for Bubby. After breakfast with the fam at IHOP that included parents that should never have had children sitting at the table next to us, I needed quiet barn time. He was fantastic today. His haults were very sloppy last week. Today he all but fell on his face when I asked for the hault through my seat. His leg yields still need work. May need to start introducing the dressage whip for the lagging hind end. Circles were good, shoulder-in was good and started work on somewhat of a lengthening, haha. The boy has a lot of power though. Can't wait for our first show of the season!!!

Til next time!

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