Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Much Excitement!

Hallelujah, Olivia has finally made her debut!!! :D I don't remember how much I've actually mentioned about this but, my boss/partner/trainer/barn manager/friend finally had her baby today. We have all been waiting soooo long to see her! I can only IMAGINE how Amanda has felt but I was starting to think she was never leaving the womb, hahaha. There's been so much anticipation with it being her first and a first for the barn as well. I got the stunning text at 4pm or so saying "Amanda is in labor. can you check the horses. Will let you know when Olivia arrives". So that was exciting in itself. I figured we had a pretty good wait ahead of us (I have no idea when she actually WENT into labor). Wrongo. 5:26pm ~ picture of brand new baby Olivia! And, she is of course, ADORABLE and looks just like her mom :) I can not wait to see her in person!

On to more somewhat exciting news (I mean, how can you top newborn baby, right?), I worked with Bubby Monday evening over some small cross rails. With the help of my friend Ali of course, haha. Who knew the Bubbers would actually take a liking to it??? Well, the little stuff had him really excited. When she set actual little X's up....let's just say neither of us were terribly thrilled. One, I reiterate, I have a terrible fear/anxiety associated with jumping. Thank you lousy, waste-of-a-whole-year-and-money "instructor" at Wilson >P BUT, on an upside, I have worked with Bubby enough and know his personality well enough that I do trust him to get me over it. As much as I appreciate what the Ol' One has taught me, I know he's going over the jump with or withOUT me....not always a totally comforting thought, haha. Besides, he and Christina are great jumping buddies. Who am I to ruin it?
Here is also where my good friend and I start to gently clash in training theories. One, we are schooling two very different green horses. One day I will devote part of a post to the differences in training OTTBs and OTSTBs. Two, I'm working with a fear I truly don't think she can understand. It's even rather hard to explain without me sounding uncharacteristically whiny. But it is what it is. I've battled it before and had minor victories. I know how to handle it, I just need TO handle it. Three, I know my horse inside and out, just as she knows hers. You don't own one for 10+ yrs and not. Down to the tiniest detail, I know his mood. Whether the tenseness is frustration or or pissiness. If the big trot is excitement or fear. You just know after a while. And I could feel him into some of the "bigger" (haha) cross rails he was not comfortable, it was too much, too soon. Some horses can handle that. Trust me, he doesn't do well with sudden change (sometimes, we are too alike in personalities, lol). I outright refused some of the true cross rails. I wasn't feelin' it. Did I mention he can read ME like a book??? Yeah, not a good combo.
So, we're going to take it slow. He prefers it, I prefer it. There. Settled. He's starting to try really jumping the teeny stuff. He needs to figure his legs out anyway, haha. the front end jumps, the back end trots. He likes it though :)

Oh, and we got our picture in the local paper today :) They were covering the MD Horse Census for 2010 and interviewed Amanda. They needed pictures so I ran out to the barn. I thought Bubby would be wore out but he was quite spunky. Could have been all that dang wind though! I've never had my picture in the paper before, lol. Whereas most of the rest of the fam has (normal sports stuff of course ;). Kinda cool....even if the paper chose the one where he was spooking away from the camera...think I can feel my ears burnin now, lol.

Til next time :D

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