Friday, September 17, 2010

This May Be Becoming a Reality :)

As promised, a happier blog! Yay ;-) Today I FINALLY got a chance to try floating teeth! Horse teeth to be exact, lol. This was supposed to happen a couple weeks ago but life happens. So today was the day :D .......And as expected I am no God's gift to equine dentistry, haha. And Bubby wasn't making things easy either. I think I'm going to rename him "Damn Horse!". Hey, it has a ring to it...and we did come across a horse who's name, I kid you not, was Damnit....or Bandit when the kiddies are around ;-) Anyway, when Amanda went to float his teeth a month or so back he was a JACKASS. Which leads us to where I get to practice :D Sedation = Bubby gets to be a guinea pig until I go away to school. Not sure how he feels about the whole thing but since he's being an ass, I don't really care ;D
It was interesting and, dare I say, fun *gasp*. I really had fears that I had put all this time and money and hopes and dreams and all that into something that I could very well hate. Nope! I enjoyed it. Especially when he was still long enough (under sedation) for me to get a feel for how the blades are to move across the teeth. I think I'm destined as the sound of the blades on the teeth is kind of soothing to me. No lie. Call me crazy but come out one day and take a listen. I know, I know, WEIRD. Was born that way. Thanks Mom and Dad, LOL.
Oh, and our lesson went well too :D He's so quick to regain his flexibility and give after time off. His leg is a tad sore though. He must've really taken a hit from, I thinking, Toasty. Stupid ponies. Not that he didn't deserve it, I'm sure. I saw him the day after and he was grabbing ahold of Toasty's forelock and PULLING. *sigh* Anyway, he had a pretty good bruise going for awhile so he more than likely was bearing a lot of weight on the left front and consequently the right front is now a bit stiff. BUT getting better :D
Okay, off to *cough* read *cough* and muse over whether to get Darryl a knit and/or Amigo cooler. Decisions decisions. I could go on forever about which would be better and why. Ugh. And the fact that they're pretty needs to be obsolete, haha. Oh, and also whether I invest 300+ bucks in a super heavy weight (only from Rambo of course!) for him when its dreadful this winter. I have some time to wait (and make some moola) one that one.
Talk at you all later!

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